Greenberg Nielsen

Greenberg Nielsen zet zich in voor de dromen van onze jongeren!
from €16,750 (29%)

Kennis maakt je wereld groter, leert je onafhankelijk te denken, verbredend te kijken en ondernemend te handelen. Greenberg Nielsen wil hier graag aan meewerken. Sinds maart 2022 is Greenberg Nielsen een samenwerking gestart met Net4kids.

Greenberg Nielsen heeft ervoor gekozen om het project ‘Ghana – to be financially savvy’ te gaan ondersteunen. De match tussen onze organisatie en dit project is, naast het financiële aspect, talent ontwikkeling en ‘character building’ van jongeren. Het doel van dit project is jongeren in Ghana een breder wereldbeeld te geven en hen vaardigheden te leren waarmee zij uiteindelijk meer kans maken op de arbeidsmarkt. Belangrijk voor deze jongeren is om van jongs af aan te leren omgaan met geld, hoe ze geld kunnen sparen, hoe ze financieel voor zichzelf kunnen zorgen en voor anderen.

Wij zijn gepassioneerd over dit project en hopen zo bij te dragen aan een betere (finance) wereld. Doe jij met ons mee?

Why To Be Worldwide was founded - YouTube

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€15 18-06-2023 | 16:23 Goed bezig! Succes
€25 16-06-2023 | 13:43
€500 15-06-2023 | 13:20 SAR's ambition is to be the most human centric company in Travel Retail. Therefore we think that it is our responsibility to help increasing chances for people & countries which are less privileged than we are. When we have been approached by our partner Greenberg Nielsen to support their project, we did not hesitate a second to do so.
€50 14-06-2023 | 22:18 Succes met dit mooi initiatief GN!
€50 13-06-2023 | 16:14
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05-05-2023 | 11:52 Victoria is a JHS 1 pupil of Arch Bishop Porter Primary, was a beneficiary of the first batch of Tablet Access Program in 2020, which was to. provide children with access to a tablet for home use in combination with our. e-learning software Education City. “I love the co-operative learning apps on my tablet like Kahoot and EducationCity. They give me the opportunity to learn from my friends and other students at the center. I would like to thank the Directors and teachers for this opportunity given me. Thank you To Be Worldwide for making me a beneficiary of the Tablet Access program. May God bless you all” – Victoria Asante. Victoria wants to be a Nurse in the future. Juliana is a JHS 3 student who when she came to the Centre for the first time 5 years ago could not read, hardly spoke… buthelped others as soon as she could. Look where she is now!! Reading John Grisham Books and doing well at school. Juliana wants to be a Ghana’s first female Aerospace Engineer in the future.   Robert is a JHS 1 student, he has a talent and an interest for Technology. He is teaching himself how to code using Python and has taken classes at the Centre as well. In addition, Robert likes to fix electrical gadgets. He follows tutorials on YouTube, takes gadget apart, diagnoses the problem and tries to fix them. This gives him a lot of satisfaction. Robert wants to become a Computer Programmer in the future.
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